Monday 17 May 2021

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure examples

 Oracle Cloud Infrastructure examples

OCI - Configuring connection to the instance from Putty session

OCI - Connection from AppTier ( Public Subnet ) to DBTier (Private Subnet)

OCI - Create Instance and connect on linux machine

OCI - Create Virtual Cloud Network

OCI - Expdp utilities dumpfile to bucket object storage directly

OCI - Rotating Wallets for autonomous database

OCI - Clone Autonomous database

OCI- Patch - Applying patch for upgrading database time zone from 32 to 35

OCI - Delete files from directory in autonomous database

OCI - Moving Data from Autonomous Databases to on Premises database using impdp

OCI - Load CSV object data on OCI autonomous database

OCI- Moving data to Autonomous database using expdp -impdp

OCI- Cloud Sql developer connection

OCI -Shell command

OCI - Create Schema using Web sql developer

OCi - Instance wallet download

OCI - Sql developer connection using instance wallet 19c

OCI - Autonomous connection 19c database using 12c oracle client and database

OCI : Create DIRECTORIES for expdp impdp on autonomous database

OCI - Create object storage buckets

PT - IOSTAT MPSTAT Performance Monitoring commands

PT -  IOSTAT  MPSTAT  Performance Monitoring commands 


  • iostat cpu  performance output at every 2 seconds
iostat -c 2 

  • iostat  overlall  performance output at every 2 seconds
iostat 2 

  • MPSTAT performance output  at every 2 second 

mpstat 2 

iostat -ykx sda -d 2

-d displays the statistics every 2 seconds
-k displays the statistics in kilobytes
sda is the partition that we are interested in displaying its statistics
-y to omit first report with statistics since the system boot
-x to display more information

Sunday 16 May 2021

PT - Monitoring PS command

 Monitoring Processes through PS command 

  • ps -ef 

  • PS command contains CPU cloumns
ps aux

  • Top 10 process consuming CPU
ps aux | sort -nrk 3,3 | head -n 10

  • Top10 process consuming CPU

 ps -e -o pcpu,pid,user,tty,args | sort -n -k 1 -r | head -n 10