Friday 2 July 2021

OCI - Configuring connection to the instance from Putty session

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure -  Configuring connection to the instance from Putty session 

  • Putty release 0.75

[root@srv3 apptierkey]# ll
total 8
-rwxr-x--- 1 root root  399 Jun 28 13:07
-rw------- 1 root root 1679 Jun 28 13:07 ssh-key-2021-06-28.key
[root@srv3 apptierkey]# pwd

  • Convert the generated private key from Pem format to rsa format

[root@srv3 apptierkey]# openssl rsa -in /u01/apptierkey/ssh-key-2021-06-28.key -out /u01/apptierkey/ssh-key-appvm-converted.key
writing RSA key
  • Copy of the produced file to linux server 

[root@srv3 apptierkey]# cp ssh-key-appvm-converted.key /media/sf_vitual_machine/
cp: cannot create regular file `/media/sf_vitual_machine/ssh-key-appvm-converted.key': Read-only file system
[root@srv3 apptierkey]# cd /media/sf_vitual_machine/
  • Puttygen ( Convert the produced key file ssh-key-appvm-converted.key to PPK format ) 

  • Select he conversions menu , select the key  and  Import Key   file 

  • Saved key status  for reference 

  • Save private key in .ppk format 

  • Open putty  and mention public ip address in console 

  • Select connection and data menu  and mention auto login username opc 

  • Connection >> authentication  and select the ppk key format 

  • Save setting and connect instance using putty

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