Showing posts with label SELF. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SELF. Show all posts

Monday 5 April 2021

Canva Pitchdeck presentation Setting


Web blog Link : Sineflex PPT example

Hi everyone this is the small tutorial for pitch deck presentation. After large request some small tutorial for making presentations in pdf format as well as video using zoom.

 Canva Pitchdeck  presentation Setting 

  • Create user and login canva website.

  • Type pitch deck presentations in search area

  • Choose presentations slide after completing it download slide in pdf format.

  • Login Zoom App

  • Go to setting option right side above.

  • Mention video recording option and location after completion.

  • These are audio and video recording settings

  • Change Background as per requirements.

  • Select share screen options

  • Choose power point for slide presentation . In my case I have prepared slide on power point.

  • Make PPT into slide view mode . It is right below.

  • Start recording option : 

  • End recording (End Recording also using ALT +R u can also close so video recording do not interrupt.)
  • End Meeting session  

  • After ending video it will automatically convert MP4 into AVI format

Using Cutter Edit video all the best !!!

Monday 28 December 2020

SineFlex Solutions Pitch Deck PPT and Video


Hi All ,

We already know that recently we got the assignment to prepare Pitchdeck on Sineflex Solutions as a part of business communications. So i have prepared PPT and make very average video, But i want to share my knowledge with all. 

I have prepard my PDF PPT using  canva it is free of cost also  prepared my resume using . 

I have prepared my video using zoom. we can perform all recoding as well as PPT presentation. After recording video it will automatically convert mp4 to avi conversion.

All Pitch deck template present in canva . This blog is just for reference.

NOTE : Don't do any copy and paste form below reference.  U---  can detect  plagiarism using there tools. 

Video Snapshot (Uploading Only Image 😀😐)

 Web blog Link : Small tutorial for making presentation and video recording using Zoom and Canva


Sunday 15 November 2020

SELF - Introduction to Marketing


  • Introduction To Marketing

  1.  Customer Engagement by segmenting them as per there requirement need 
  2. Stay ahead of its competitors in terms of  product |price |place and promotions.
  3. Sales Revenue Profitability 
  4. Increasing customer retention by make sure valuable customer requirement over the time.
  5. Keep customers informed about new promotions, schemes and sales using (advertisement |digital marketing)
  • Era of Marketing
  1. Simple Era - Traditionally Mouth Marketing trade 
  2. Production Era - Product are made in bulk amount and place over storage sell in low price
  3. Sales Marketing  Era  - Stored Products need to be sell to generate revenue
  4. Customer Relationship Marketing Era - Existing customer requirement and needs over the time kind of retaining the customers. 
  5. Digital Marketing -  Marketing (email |sms | whats app | YouTube using reviews and rating of product).

  • Segmentation Targeting Positioning ( STP Framework)


Separating  or choosing  approaching  group of  Customer as per there product requirement. 

  • Bases of Segmentation: 

NationsAgelifestyleUsageschemes |discount
RegionFamilyUsage RateGIFTS coupon
CitiesIncomeLoyalty statusvouchers
LocalityOccupationsBuyer Readinessloyalty points
Religionnon users
EthnicityEx users
Potential users
First time

  • Challenges of Benefits based segmentation
  1. Identifying  the right customers
  2. Identifying the un desirable needs of customers
  • Segmentation Strategy MAADS Framework
M- Measurable
A- Accessible
A- Actionable
D- Differentiable
S - Substantial
  • Factors of Segment Targeting ( who | What |Why buy)
  1. Segment attractiveness
  2. Ability to influence consumers
  3. Company objectives and resources
  • Target Segmentation Strategies
Mass Marketing strategies - Ford cars
  • Segmentation Marketing Stretegies 
different Multiple segments
  • Nieche Marketing Straegies
Specific approach of product for multiple segments
  • Positioning
  • Unique Selling proposition
  • points of difference
  • points of parity
  • Perceptual map
Shaping brand values providing unique facility (accessibly Availability reliable , speed of booking)
kind of customer retention  Solving customers issues customer care after products

Perceptual Map


Budget          Premium 


SELF - Marketing Mix

                                          ( Marketing Mix 4 P's)
  1. Product
  2. Price 
  3. Place 
  4. Promotions
Level of Product
  • core product
  1. Product bought
  2. Tangible in nature
  • Actual Product
  1. Product- Internal features | brand name |packaging features
  2. Brand differentiation
  • Augmented product
  1. Additional benefits
  2. Services

  • (Product Strategy - Decision Area)
  1. Product attribute (same features | same amount of quantity quality)
  2. Packaging  (eg- kinder..)
  3. Labelling and logos ( Identifier)
  4. Support services (eg -AWS customer centric )

(Product Life Cycle)
  1. Introduction stage  (time consuming | focus : product Awareness )
  2. Growth Stage (High sales rate | growth and revenue )
  3. Maturity Stage ( Flattened sales | Reposition | Rebranding )
  4. Decline Stage ( a. Differ for products | b. Focus : Replace or kill brand )
                              Price Definition
  • Customer point of view  (overall package )  
  • Marketer point of view (cost |of product |revenue brand positioning

[Price Ceiling ]
Product Perceived value 
Product cost to company

[Price Floor ]


  1. Customer value -based pricing ( Based on value of product in consumer mind)
  2. Cost based pricing (determined by cost of product and distribution)
  3. Competition based pricing (based on same category product competition)
Soap (Manufacturing) + Distribution + Retailer + Logistic + Brand building (advertisement)


Logo | Packaging | Color |Schemes | Labelling 

  • Distributers  - Contract | Supply bulk order  region | Industry specefic
  • Whole seller - Bulk purchase good distribute to smaller and larger shop
  • Retailer - Supply good to consumer
  • Stockists - Keep storage of product 


Elements of promotion Strategy 
  1. Advertising
  2. Sales
  3. Direct and Digital Marketing
  4. Public Relation
  5. Personal Selling

Product Life Cycle

  • Introduction - Informative + increase product awareness  
                              - Strengthen Product messaging

  • Growth Stage -  Increase base of loyal customers
                                 -  Increase product revenue 

  • Maturity Stage - Elaborate the lifecycle of product
                                   - Price change sales and promotions increases

  • Decline Stage - Reposition of promotional messages
                                 -  Repackaging of brand's and communication



Introduction to Marketing

Marketing Mix - 4P's

SELF - S.M.A.R.T Framework


S - Small Wins

M - Mini Habits 

A- Alignments 

R - Record and Revise (Revision)

T- Testing

  • Memory and Attention 
  • Attention is like neural pathway to brain like any other channel 


  • Bored Easily 
  • Distractions
  • waste time on image | video |text message
Neuroscience of Attention 
  • PFC attention
  • Regular sleep cycle
  • Limbic attention
  • Motivation vs Distraction

  • Resist - (make it harder to urself )
  • Remove - (Get rid of the source )
  • Replace  - (Swap useless distractions for more practical useful one)
  • Recycle -