Friday, 23 October 2020

OEM13c - Add agents on remote target host server

Here we add monitoring on OMR database and after that add host on target database server and add monitoring on it using EM 13c Console .

OMR database and OEM 13c are in same server so agent already installed at the time of installation so we add monitoring on server.
  1. Add Discovery target on OMR database
  2. Add OEM agent on target host and add discovery target 
OMR Database : OEMDB

Hostname :

New Target host name :

Target Database : SMRCDB

OEM Console URL : 

 Enterprise Manager Cloud Control URL: also (

 Admin Server URL:

BI Publisher URL:

STEP 1 : Login OEM console and go to setting and add target manually 

STEP 2 : choose 2nd option (Add Non-Host Targets Using Guided Process )

STEP 3 : As default oracle database and listener automatically set on discovery target types.

STEP 4: Target already installed so we select OMR database server

STEP 5: OEM will discover host at there end .

STEP 6 : Select on checkbox OEMDB database and add password of dbsnmp schema. By default it is locked.
SQL> alter user dbsnmp account unlock identified by dbsnmp;

User altered.

SQL> select USERNAME,DEFAULT_TABLESPACE,ACCOUNT_STATUS from dba_users where username='DBSNMP';

USERNAME                                 DEFAULT_TABLESPACE             ACCOUNT_STATUS
---------------------------------------- ------------------------------ --------------------------------
DBSNMP                                   SYSAUX                         OPEN

STEP 7 :  Discovery Target Review

STEP 8 : Target confirmation 

STEP 9 :  OEMDB  database and listener Successfully on console. 

Adding OEM Agent on target server  and discover target for monitoring


STEP 1: Select add host targets

STEP 2 : Add host targets.


STEP 3 : Add named credential of oracle user and then  root (optional) user .

STEP 4 : Add  agent base directory /u01/app/oracle/agents . Instance directory will be automatically created.
Default port is 3872.

STEP 5 : Review Agent target hosts

STEP 6: Deploy agent Summary process 

STEP 7: Agent successfully added on target server.

Add Discovery target on agent

STEP 1: Choose 2nd option ( Add using guided process  and then further select default oracle database and listener option)

STEP 2 : Add host target details.

STEP 3: Add password dbsnmp user on database discovery results in this server we have CDB database so details will automatically fetch by discovery.

STEP 4: Database discovery review

STEP 5: Configuration of  database and listener target saved successfully.

STEP 6 : Successfully done 

STEP 7: OEM 13c Console Summary dashboard

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