Thursday 29 October 2020

OEM 13c - Schedule RMAN Backup using OEM13c Console


Scenario Preview : We are scheduling rman automated backup on regular basis using OEM13c . Remmebr expdp backup is not scheduled using OEM console 

Database name : OEMDB

Rman  Backup location : /u01/rmanbkp

Operating System : OEL 7.7 

1. Go to database console then select schecduled backup database in our case it is OEMDB. In coming blog we going to schedule backup using recovery catalog option so in all target database repository detailed stored on it. In our production console we have done the same as using recovery catalog.  

Availability  > Backup & Recovery > Schedule Backup >  

2.  Select Schedule Customized Backup  select  options in our case we select Whole Database 

3. Select Backup type | Backup mode | Advanced option    


4. Select Disk or Tape option 

5.  Set Jobs scheduling options describes on screenshots

6. We can customized  rman backup script  as well. on RMAN script window TEXT Box.

7. After Submitting  job we can check on Job Activity 

8.  After execution of job we can check Job is  successful or failed status we can check on job activity

9. We can check job report as well as job backup logs.

Availability  > Backup & Recovery >  Backup Report >  

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