Thursday, 20 October 2022

RAC commands --

 To get cluster stack health status

$crsctl check crs

Check visibility of CRS across nodes

$crsctl check cluster -n node_name

Stop/Start Cluster

$crsctl start cluster -n node_name

$crsctl stop cluster -n node_name

$crsctl start cluster –all

$crsctl stop cluster -all

Start/Stop CRS

$crsctl start crs

$crsctl stop crs (or)

$/etc/init.d/init.ohasd run

$/etc/init.d/ stop

Enable/Disable CRS

$crsctl enable crs

$crsctl disable crs (or)

$/etc/init.d/ enable

$/etc/init.d/ disable

Check status of running deamons

$ps -ef | grep d.bin

$crsctl check cssd

$crsctl check crsd

$crsctl check evmd

$crsctl check oprocd

$crsctl check ctss

Query voting disk files

$crsctl query css votedisk

Add/Delete voting disks

For non-ASM

$crsctl add css votedisk <<PATH>>

$crsctl add css votedisk <<PATH>> -force — if Clusterware is not running

$crsctl delete css votedisk <<PATH>>

$crsctl delete css votedisk <<PATH>> -force — if Clusterware is not running


$crsctl replace votedisk <<DISK_GROUP_NAME>>

Set VD parameters

$crsctl set css misscount 100

$crsctl unset css misscount — — sets CSS parameter to its default

$crsctl get css disktimeout

$crsctl get css miscount

$crsctl get css reboottime

Working with resources

$crsctl start resource ora.DATA.dg

$crsctl status resource –t

$crsctl stat resource -t

Listing modules

$crsctl lsmodules crs

$crsctl lsmodules css

$crsctl lsmodules evm

Working with HAS

$crsctl start has (HAS – High Availability Services)

$crsctl stop has

$crsctl check has

OCR Modules — cannot be listed with crsctl lsmodules command











$crsctl debug statedump crs — dumps state info for crs objects

$crsctl debug statedump css — dumps state info for css objects

$crsctl debug statedump evm — dumps state info for evm objects

$crsctl debug log crs [module:level]{,module:level} …

–Turns on debugging for CRS

$crsctl debug log crs CRSEVT:5,CRSAPP:5,CRSTIMER:5,CRSRES:5,CRSRTI:1,CRSCOMM:2

$crsctl debug log css [module:level]{,module:level} …

– Turns on debugging for CSS

$crsctl debug log css CSSD:1

$crsctl debug log evm [module:level]{,module:level} …

– Turns on debugging for EVM

$crsctl debug log evm EVMCOMM:1

$crsctl debug trace crs — dumps CRS in-memory tracing cache

$crsctl debug trace css — dumps CSS in-memory tracing cache

$crsctl debug trace evm — dumps EVM in-memory tracing cache

$crsctl debug log res resource_name:level — turns on debugging for resources

$crsctl debug log res “″

$crsctl trace all_the_above_commands — tracing by adding a “trace” argument.

$crsctl trace check css


Dual Environment CRSCTL Commands:

crsctl add resource

crsctl add type

crsctl check css

crsctl delete resource

crsctl delete type

crsctl get hostname

crsctl getperm resource

crsctl getperm type

crsctl modify resource

crsctl modify type

crsctl setperm resource

crsctl setperm type

crsctl start resource

crsctl status resource

crsctl status type

crsctl stop resource

Oracle RAC Environment CRSCTL Commands:

crsctl add crs administrator

crsctl add css votedisk

crsctl add serverpool

crsctl check cluster

crsctl check crs

crsctl check resource

crsctl check ctss

crsctl config crs

crsctl delete crs administrator

crsctl delete css votedisk

crsctl delete node

crsctl delete serverpool

crsctl disable crs

crsctl enable crs

crsctl get css

crsctl get css ipmiaddr

crsctl get nodename

crsctl getperm serverpool

crsctl lsmodules

crsctl modify serverpool

crsctl pin css

crsctl query crs administrator

crsctl query crs activeversion

crsctl query crs releaseversion

crsctl query crs softwareversion

crsctl query css ipmidevice

crsctl query css votedisk

crsctl relocate resource

crsctl relocate server

crsctl replace discoverystring

crsctl replace votedisk

crsctl set css

crsctl set css ipmiaddr

crsctl set css ipmiadmin

crsctl setperm serverpool

crsctl start cluster

crsctl start crs

crsctl status server

crsctl status serverpool

crsctl stop cluster

crsctl stop crs

crsctl unpin css

crsctl unset css

Oracle Restart Environment CRSCTL Commands:

crsctl check has

crsctl config has

crsctl disable has

crsctl enable has

crsctl query has releaseversion

crsctl query has softwareversion

crsctl start has

crsctl stop has

Deprecated in Oracle Clusterware 11g release 2 (11.2):










crsctl check crsd

crsctl check cssd

crsctl check evmd

crsctl debug log

crsctl set css votedisk

crsctl start resources

crsctl stop resources


crsctl – Cluster Ready Service Control

To Get CRSCTL  help

$crsctl -h

To Get Active Cluster Version

$crsctl query crs activeversion

To Get cluster version of given node

$crsctl query crs softwareversion [node_name]

Ex:$crsctl query crs softwareversion rac1

#crsctl start crs

#crsctl stop crs


#/etc/init.d/ start

#/etc/init.d/ stop

#crsctl enable crs

#crsctl disable crs


#/etc/init.d/ enable

#/etc/init.d/ disable

To get cluster stack health status

$crsctl check crs

To get the viability of CSS across nodes

$crsctl check cluster [-node node_name]   — 11gR2 RACcommand

#crsctl start cluster -n HostName — 11g R2

#crsctl stop cluster -n HostName — 11g R2

#crsctl stop cluster -all  — 11g R2

$ps -ef | grep d.bin

$crsctl check cssd

$crsctl check crsd

$crsctl check evmd

$crsctl check oprocd

$crsctl check ctss

#/etc/init.d/init.cssd stop

#/etc/init.d/init.cssd start




#mv /etc/rc3.d/S96init.cssd /etc/rc3.d/_S96init.cssd — to stop cssd from autostarting after reboot

#crsctl check css votedisk

#crsctl query css votedisk — lists the voting disks used by CSS command in 11gR2

#crsctl add css votedisk PATH

#crsctl add css votedisk PATH -force — if Clusterware is not running

#crsctl delete css votedisk PATH

#crsctl delete css votedisk PATH -force — if Clusterware is not running

#crsctl set css parameter_name value — set parameters on OCR

#crsctl set css misscount 100

#crsctl unset css parameter_name — sets CSS parameter to its default

#crsctl unset css misscount

#crsctl get css parameter_name — gets the value of a CSS parameter

#crsctl get css disktimeout

#crsctl get css misscount

#crsctl get css reboottime

#crsctl start resources — starts Clusterware resources

#crsctl start resource ora.DATA.dg

#crsctl stop resources — stops Clusterware resources

$crsctl status resource

$crsctl status resource -t

$crsctl stat resource -t

#crsctl lsmodules crs — lists CRS modules that can be used for debugging( need root privilage)

List CRSD Debug Module: AGENT

List CRSD Debug Module: AGFW

List CRSD Debug Module: CLSFRAME

List CRSD Debug Module: CLSVER

List CRSD Debug Module: CLUCLS

List CRSD Debug Module: COMMCRS

List CRSD Debug Module: COMMNS

List CRSD Debug Module: CRSAPP

List CRSD Debug Module: CRSCCL

List CRSD Debug Module: CRSCEVT

List CRSD Debug Module: CRSCOMM

List CRSD Debug Module: CRSD

List CRSD Debug Module: CRSEVT

List CRSD Debug Module: CRSMAIN

List CRSD Debug Module: CRSOCR

List CRSD Debug Module: CRSPE

List CRSD Debug Module: CRSPLACE

List CRSD Debug Module: CRSRES

List CRSD Debug Module: CRSRPT

List CRSD Debug Module: CRSRTI

List CRSD Debug Module: CRSSE

List CRSD Debug Module: CRSSEC

List CRSD Debug Module: CRSTIMER

List CRSD Debug Module: CRSUI

List CRSD Debug Module: CSSCLNT

List CRSD Debug Module: OCRAPI

List CRSD Debug Module: OCRASM

List CRSD Debug Module: OCRCAC

List CRSD Debug Module: OCRCLI

List CRSD Debug Module: OCRMAS

List CRSD Debug Module: OCRMSG

List CRSD Debug Module: OCROSD

List CRSD Debug Module: OCRRAW

List CRSD Debug Module: OCRSRV

List CRSD Debug Module: OCRUTL

List CRSD Debug Module: SuiteTes

List CRSD Debug Module: UiServer

$crsctl lsmodules css — lists CSS modules that can be used for debugging

The following are the Cluster Synchronization Services modules::






$crsctl lsmodules evm — lists EVM modules that can be used for debugging

The following are the Cluster Synchronization Services modules::






$crsctl start has   (HAS – High Availability Services)

$crsctl stop has

$crsctl check has

CRS-4638 Oracle High Availability Service is online

OCR Modules — cannot be listed with crsctl lsmodules command










#crsctl debug statedump crs — dumps state info for crs objects

#crsctl debug statedump css — dumps state info for css objects

#crsctl debug statedump evm — dumps state info for evm objects

#crsctl debug log crs [module:level]{,module:level} …

— Turns on debugging for CRS

#crsctl debug log crs CRSEVT:5,CRSAPP:5,CRSTIMER:5,CRSRES:5,CRSRTI:1,CRSCOMM:2

#crsctl debug log css [module:level]{,module:level} …

— Turns on debugging for CSS

#crsctl debug log css CSSD:1

#crsctl debug log evm [module:level]{,module:level} …

— Turns on debugging for EVM

#crsctl debug log evm EVMCOMM:1

#crsctl debug trace crs — dumps CRS in-memory tracing cache

#crsctl debug trace css — dumps CSS in-memory tracing cache

#crsctl debug trace evm — dumps EVM in-memory tracing cache

#crsctl debug log res resource_name:level — turns on debugging for resources

#crsctl debug log res “”

#crsctl trace all_the_above_commands — tracing by adding a “trace” argument.

#crsctl trace check css

#crsctl backup -h

#crsctl backup css votedisk

Here is the list of the options for CRSCTL in 11gR2:

crsctl add       – add a resource, type or other entity

crsctl backup    – back up voting disk for CSS

crsctl check     – check a service, resource or other entity

crsctl config    – output autostart configuration

crsctl debug     – obtain or modify debug state

crsctl delete    – delete a resource, type or other entity

crsctl disable   – disable autostart

crsctl discover  – discover DHCP server

crsctl enable    – enable autostart

crsctl get       – get an entity value

crsctl getperm   – get entity permissions

crsctl lsmodules – list debug modules

crsctl modify    – modify a resource, type or other entity

crsctl query     – query service state

crsctl pin       – Pin the nodes in the nodelist

crsctl relocate  – relocate a resource, server or other entity

crsctl replace   – replaces the location of voting files

crsctl release   – release a DHCP lease

crsctl request   – request a DHCP lease

crsctl setperm   – set entity permissions

crsctl set       – set an entity value

crsctl start     – start a resource, server or other entity

crsctl status    – get status of a resource or other entity

crsctl stop      – stop a resource, server or other entity

crsctl unpin     – unpin the nodes in the nodelist

crsctl unset     – unset a entity value, restoring its default

How do I identify the voting disk/file location?

#crsctl query css votedisk

How to take backup of voting file/disk?

crsctl backup css votedisk


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