Monday 10 May 2021

AHF - 21c Autonomous Health Framework Report on Grid

Install and Extract 21c Autonomous Health Framework report on  2 node grid

  • Download : SRDC - How to Collect Diagnostics Information for Database ASM (DBASM) Issues (Doc ID 2520692.1)

  • Unzip downloaded file 

-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall  399082945 May  4 13:13

-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall       1525 Apr 26 23:06 README.txt

-r-xr-xr-x 1 oracle oinstall  405452046 Apr 26 23:05 ahf_setup

-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall        256 Apr 26 23:06 ahf_setup.dat

-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall        451 Apr 26 23:06

  •  execute  ./ahf_setup , Here we have install root user , We can install with other user as per instructions on DOC ID. 

sgdc02: # ./ahf_setup

AHF Installer for Platform Linux Architecture x86_64

AHF Installation Log : /tmp/ahf_install_211100_25087_2021_05_05-15_39_22.log

Starting Autonomous Health Framework (AHF) Installation

AHF Version: 21.1.1 Build Date: 202104230128

TFA is already installed at : /u01/app/12.1.0/grid/tfa/sgdcplm02/tfa_home

Installed TFA Version : 121270 Build ID : 20160304140533

Default AHF Location : /opt/oracle.ahf

Do you want to install AHF at [/opt/oracle.ahf] ? [Y]|N :

AHF Location : /opt/oracle.ahf

AHF Data Directory stores diagnostic collections and metadata.

AHF Data Directory requires at least 5GB (Recommended 10GB) of free space.

Choose Data Directory from below options :

1. /u01/app/grid [Free Space : 34257 MB]

2. Enter a different Location

Choose Option [1 - 2] : 1

AHF Data Directory : /u01/app/grid/oracle.ahf/data

Illegal option:  -sslserver

Try keytool -help

Shutting down TFA : /u01/app/12.1.0/grid/tfa/sgdcplm02/tfa_home

Copying TFA Data Files from /u01/app/12.1.0/grid/tfa/sgdcplm02/tfa_home

Uninstalling TFA : /u01/app/12.1.0/grid/tfa/sgdcplm02/tfa_home

Do you want to add AHF Notification Email IDs ? [Y]|N :

Enter Email IDs separated by space :

AHF will also be installed/upgraded on these Cluster Nodes :

1. sgdc01

The AHF Location and AHF Data Directory must exist on the above nodes

AHF Location : /opt/oracle.ahf

AHF Data Directory : /u01/app/grid/oracle.ahf/data

Do you want to install/upgrade AHF on Cluster Nodes ? [Y]|N :

Extracting AHF to /opt/oracle.ahf

Configuring TFA Services

Copying TFA Data Files to AHF

Discovering Nodes and Oracle Resources

Starting TFA Services

Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /etc/systemd/system/oracle-tfa.service.

Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /etc/systemd/system/oracle-tfa.service.


| Host      | Status of TFA | PID   | Port | Version    | Build ID             |


| sgdc02 | RUNNING       | 27571 | 5000 | | 21110020210423012809 |

| sgdc01 | RUNNING       | 16070 | 5000 | | 21110020210423012809 |


Running TFA Inventory...

Adding default users to TFA Access list...


|                  Summary of AHF Configuration                  |


| Parameter       | Value                                        |


| AHF Location    | /opt/oracle.ahf                              |

| TFA Location    | /opt/oracle.ahf/tfa                          |

| Orachk Location | /opt/oracle.ahf/orachk                       |

| Data Directory  | /u01/app/grid/oracle.ahf/data                |

| Repository      | /u01/app/grid/oracle.ahf/data/repository     |

| Diag Directory  | /u01/app/grid/oracle.ahf/data/sgdcplm02/diag |


Starting orachk scheduler from AHF ...

AHF install completed on sgdc02

Installing AHF on Remote Nodes :

AHF will be installed on sgdc01, Please wait.

Please Enter the password for sgdcplm01 :

Is password same for all the nodes? [Y]|N : N

Installing AHF on sgdcplm01 :

[sgdcplm01] Copying AHF Installer

[sgdcplm01] Running AHF Installer

AHF binaries are available in /opt/oracle.ahf/bin

AHF is successfully installed

Moving /tmp/ahf_install_211100_25087_2021_05_05-15_39_22.log to /u01/app/grid/oracle.ahf/data/sgdc02/diag/ahf/

  • Visit to ahf bin directory  /opt/oracle.ahf/bin

sgdc02:/u04/MasterDB/oracle_grid_software # cd /opt/oracle.ahf/bin

You have new mail in /var/mail/root

sgdc02:/opt/oracle.ahf/bin # su oracle

oracle@sgdc02:/opt/oracle.ahf/bin> ll

total 16

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4142 May  5 15:42 ahfctl

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   34 May  5 15:42 oerr -> /opt/oracle.ahf/orachk/lib/

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root   29 May  5 15:42 orachk -> /opt/oracle.ahf/orachk/orachk

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4142 May  5 15:42 tfactl

  • Run tfactl utility  to collect ASM diagnonistic  report.
oracle@sgdc02:/opt/oracle.ahf/bin> tfactl diagcollect -srdc dbasm

Scripts to be run by this srdc: srdc_asm_acfs.sql

Components included in this srdc: CRS OS ASM CHMOS

Collecting data for all nodes

Collection Id : 20210506082239sgdc02

Detailed Logging at : /u01/app/grid/oracle.ahf/data/repository/srdc_dbasm_collection_Thu_May_06_08_22_40_CEST_2021_node_all/diagcollect_20210506082239_sgdc02.log

2021/05/06 08:22:45 CEST : NOTE : Any file or directory name containing the string .com will be renamed to replace .com with dotcom

2021/05/06 08:22:45 CEST : Collection Name :

2021/05/06 08:22:46 CEST : Collecting diagnostics from hosts : [sgdcplm02, sgdcplm01]

2021/05/06 08:22:46 CEST : Scanning of files for Collection in progress...

2021/05/06 08:22:46 CEST : Collecting additional diagnostic information...

2021/05/06 08:22:51 CEST : Getting list of files satisfying time range [05/06/2021 07:22:45 CEST, 05/06/2021 08:22:51 CEST]

2021/05/06 08:23:08 CEST : Collecting ADR incident files...

2021/05/06 08:23:41 CEST : Completed collection of additional diagnostic information...

2021/05/06 08:23:44 CEST : Completed Local Collection

2021/05/06 08:23:44 CEST : Remote Collection in Progress...


|          Collection Summary          |


| Host      | Status    | Size  | Time |


| sgdc01 | Completed | 7.5MB |  59s |

| sgdc02 | Completed | 10MB  |  58s |


Logs are being collected to: /u01/app/grid/oracle.ahf/data/repository/srdc_dbasm_collection_Thu_May_06_08_22_40_CEST_2021_node_all




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