Monday 30 March 2020

PT - SQL Operators and joins

                         SQL Operators: Access Paths and Joins

  • Access path: a technique to retrieve rows from a row source
  • Full Table Scan 
  • Table Access by ROWID 
  • Sample Table Scan 
  • Index Unique Scan 
  • Index Range Scan 
  • Index Full Scan 
  • Index Fast Full Scan
  • Index skip Scan
  • Index Join Scan
  • Bitmap Index Join Value
  • Bitmap Index Range Scan
  • Bitmap Merge
  • Cluster Scan
  • Hash Scan

  • JOINS :how the row sources of two steps are joined
  • Join Methods: Nested loop, Hash join, Sort merge, Cartesian 
  • Join Order: defines which table should be accessed first (outertable or driving table). The other table is the driven-in or inner table. 
  • Join Types: InnerJoins, Outer Joins, Semijoins, Antijoins

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