Tuesday 15 January 2019

OPatch completed with warnings. Opatch rollback -id 27475613 on database server

On this article we found while applying PSU patch on database server we found that patch not applied successfully shows message OPatch completed with warnings. So we rollback the patch id on it, Just wanted to share knowledge with you all. This issue i have faced on both linux and window environment  and resolved easily. All the best .

[oracle@zabbix backup]$ cd 27726453
[oracle@zabbix 27726453]$ ll
total 32
drwxr-xr-x 4 oracle oinstall  4096 Mar 13 14:05 27475613
drwxr-xr-x 4 oracle oinstall  4096 Apr  9 13:13 27674384
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall 19815 Apr 17 13:38 README.html
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall    21 Apr 17 13:39 README.txt
[oracle@zabbix 27726453]$ cd 27475613
[oracle@zabbix 27475613]$ ll
total 76
drwxr-x--- 3 oracle oinstall  4096 Mar 13 14:05 etc
drwxr-x--- 5 oracle oinstall  4096 Mar 13 14:05 files
-rw-rw-r-- 1 oracle oinstall 60600 Apr 16 16:55 README.html
-rw-r--r-- 1 oracle oinstall    11 Mar 13 14:05 README.txt
[oracle@zabbix 27475613]$ export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/
[oracle@zabbix 27475613]$ export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/OPatch:$PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/bin
[oracle@zabbix 27475613]$export PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/perl/bin:$PATH
[oracle@zabbix 27475613]$
[oracle@zabbix 27475613]$ opatch prereq CheckConflictAgainstOHWithDetail -ph ./
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2018, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

PREREQ session

Oracle Home       : /u01/app/oracle/product/
Central Inventory : /u01/app/oraInventory
   from           : /u01/app/oracle/product/
OPatch version    :
OUI version       :
Log file location : /u01/app/oracle/product/

Invoking prereq "checkconflictagainstohwithdetail"

Prereq "checkConflictAgainstOHWithDetail" passed.

OPatch succeeded.
[oracle@zabbix 27475613]$ opatch apply
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2018, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Oracle Home       : /u01/app/oracle/product/
Central Inventory : /u01/app/oraInventory
   from           : /u01/app/oracle/product/
OPatch version    :
OUI version       :
Log file location : /u01/app/oracle/product/

Verifying environment and performing prerequisite checks...

The following patch(es) are duplicate patches with patches installed in the Oracle Home.
 [ 27475613]
You have already installed same patch(es) with same UPI(s) or same version(s).
These patch(es) will be skipped.

OPatch Session completed with warnings.
Log file location: /u01/app/oracle/product/

OPatch completed with warnings.
[oracle@zabbix 27475613]$

[oracle@zabbix OPatch]$ ./opatch lsinventory
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2018, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Oracle Home       : /u01/app/oracle/product/
Central Inventory : /u01/app/oraInventory
   from           : /u01/app/oracle/product/
OPatch version    :
OUI version       :
Log file location : /u01/app/oracle/product/

Lsinventory Output file location : /u01/app/oracle/product/

Local Machine Information::
Hostname: zabbix.com
ARU platform id: 226
ARU platform description:: Linux x86-64

Installed Top-level Products (1):

Oracle Database 12c                                        
There are 1 products installed in this Oracle Home.

Interim patches (2) :

Patch  27475613     : applied on Tue May 29 21:00:07 IST 2018
Unique Patch ID:  22028200
Patch description:  "OJVM RELEASE UPDATE: (27475613)"
   Created on 13 Mar 2018, 01:35:52 hrs PST8PDT
   Bugs fixed:
     25811105, 25890046, 26023042, 26570134, 27000702, 27461740

Patch  27674384     : applied on Tue May 29 20:44:04 IST 2018
Unique Patch ID:  22098633
Patch description:  "Database Apr 2018 Release Update : (27674384)"
   Created on 9 Apr 2018, 00:43:55 hrs PST8PDT
   Bugs fixed:
     23026585, 24336249, 24929210, 24942749, 25036474, 25110233, 25410877
     25417050, 25427662, 25459958, 25547901, 25569149, 25600342, 25600421
     25606091, 25655390, 25662088, 24385983, 24923215, 25099758, 25429959
     25662101, 25728085, 25823754, 22594071, 23665623, 23749454, 24326846
     24334708, 24560906, 24573817, 24578797, 24609996, 24624166, 24668398
     24674955, 24744686, 24811725, 24827228, 24831514, 24908321, 24976007
     25184555, 25210499, 25211628, 25223839, 25262869, 25316758, 25337332
     25455795, 25457409, 25539063, 25546608, 25612095, 25643931, 25410017
     22729345, 24485174, 24509056, 24714096, 25329664, 25410180, 25607726
     25957038, 25973152, 26024732, 24376878, 24589590, 24676172, 23548817
     24796092, 24907917, 25044977, 25736747, 25766822, 25856821, 25051628
     24534401, 24835919, 25050160, 25395696, 25430120, 25616359, 25715167
     25967985, 26546754, 26546664, 26544823, 26575788, 26271001, 26198926
     26025681, 26078437, 25789579, 25034396, 24655717, 25124363, 23527363
     25530814, 21981529, 25062592, 25057811, 23179662, 25530080, 25528838
     25417056, 25100579, 25739065, 25700654, 25655966, 25631933, 25616645
     25616417, 25594901, 25825910, 25789041, 22568728, 21159907, 20736227
     19327292, 14690846, 25099497, 24938784, 25257085, 25237577, 25230945
     25425760, 25337640, 25263960, 22654475, 21186167, 23491861, 23300142
     23234232, 23151677, 22981722, 23733981, 24556967, 24485161, 24457597
     24737064, 24578718, 24792678, 20324049, 17533661, 17027695, 22645009
     22628825, 23521523, 23499160, 24289874, 24421668, 24332831, 24425998
     24555417, 24737403, 25121089, 25192729, 25164293, 25150925, 25579761
     25570929, 25980605, 25954022, 25797124, 26308650, 26261327, 26088836
     25874050, 25178179, 25176408, 22072543, 23735292, 21985256, 22950945
     23746128, 25175723, 25451531, 25575628, 25838361, 25932524, 26479173
     26526726, 26609942, 24717183, 26362821, 25397936, 25554787, 26523432
     26599395, 26331743, 26476244, 26388538, 25498930, 26421667, 26446098
     26108080, 25648731, 25087436, 24812047, 25382812, 25695903, 25797092
     22179537, 26111842, 19285025, 25558986, 25551676, 24642495, 25633101
     25852885, 25897615, 26486365, 26333141, 26537307, 26444887, 26396790
     26358670, 26244115, 25489607, 25947799, 26095405, 26492866, 25248384
     26430737, 26187943, 26426526, 22898198, 23581777, 25694206, 26088426
     26045732, 24693290, 26153977, 25654936, 25870579, 20003668, 24912588
     25638456, 25320555, 25240590, 23599216, 25182817, 24735430, 25872127
     25192044, 20620169, 26324769, 24960044, 24677696, 25995938, 23125560
     23061453, 25166187, 25722608, 25662524, 25598473, 25774077, 19614243
     24664211, 25145215, 25123585, 24968162, 25241625, 25472112, 25463844
     25410802, 25383204, 22446455, 23481673, 23055900, 26249718, 25967544
     22087683, 23730961, 24376875, 24368004, 25162645, 25029022, 25099339
     25093872, 25433696, 25392535, 25357142, 25328518, 25553616, 25970731
     25953857, 26169345, 26169341, 26091640, 26032573, 22503297, 24341675
     24850622, 25186079, 25602488, 25861398, 25980770, 26096382, 26765212
     23035249, 24797119, 25405813, 24443539, 25098160, 25384462, 24593740
     25241448, 26751171, 26751106, 26545688, 26367012, 25871639, 25597525
     25546580, 25063971, 24654629, 23105538, 24401351, 25764020, 25259611
     25244807, 25265499, 26650226, 26330994, 26658759, 26351334, 22347493
     25140197, 26659182, 25990907, 25660847, 25411036, 24845157, 25888073
     20591151, 25954054, 25822410, 25788879, 25335790, 25199585, 24717859
     22564336, 24461826, 24337882, 24010030, 22826067, 26680105, 26626879
     26641610, 26189861, 25826740, 25335249, 25335360, 25100063, 21216226
     26327624, 25977302, 26597140, 26493289, 26435073, 25895224, 25634317
     24617969, 19211433, 25911724, 22599050, 24843188, 24486059, 24922704
     18594510, 19649997, 24680959, 25107662, 25964954, 23645516, 26237431
     25754606, 23572982, 25045228, 25462714, 25722720, 24848746, 24760407
     25203656, 25444961, 21520266, 23600861, 24600330, 24415926, 24423416
     17947871, 23066146, 24326444, 24346821, 24623975, 24699619, 24801152
     24786669, 24710696, 25065563, 25179774, 25129925, 25417958, 26237773
     27087426, 27009164, 26969321, 26366517, 26898563, 26784509, 26522439
     23271203, 22364044, 25307368, 26758193, 26542135, 15931756, 26548363
     25710420, 26434999, 25207410, 26223039, 25524955, 25579458, 25489367
     25313411, 24554533, 20756305, 25478885, 25858672, 26036748, 24966788
     24766309, 21178363, 23715460, 23197730, 23602213, 25072986, 25729507
     25890056, 25807997, 25206864, 23065002, 24345420, 24303148, 22864303
     24435982, 24848923, 24978100, 24953434, 25210268, 25209912, 25981498
     25919622, 25871177, 26569225, 26744595, 26908788, 25313154, 27135993
     26635897, 26939314, 26983259, 26820076, 25785441, 27142373, 26729494
     20532077, 23249829, 27073314, 26629381, 27079140, 26911000, 26944190
     25305405, 23741944, 25348956, 25768681, 26794786, 25646373, 24570598
     26399626, 25674386, 25225795, 25224242, 25536819, 25296876, 26375250
     25963024, 26615690, 26442308, 25476149, 26170715, 25685152, 24307571
     19526548, 24468470, 24744383, 25171084, 24713381, 24827654, 24343905
     21433452, 24373756, 24923790, 24911709, 26019148, 24940060, 24595699
     25691904, 25687460, 25672640, 25874678, 25785331, 22379010, 18521691
     8480838, 25159176, 25227381, 25561296, 25440818, 23588722, 24470606
     24692973, 24674197, 20118035, 24563422, 24759556, 25201454, 27165231
     27052607, 22007324, 26037215, 25830492, 25086233, 26584641, 21147908
     26110632, 24403922, 25386748, 24350620, 27305039, 22503283, 22581771
     25945130, 26967713, 22367053, 26478970, 19647894, 26149904, 25437699
     18774543, 26849779, 26121990, 26374791, 24374976, 25202355, 26608137
     27034890, 22970869, 25489342, 25717371, 16727454, 27117822, 25557886
     20087519, 25904273, 26637273, 25078611, 26006257, 25803545, 26038086
     24689376, 25941836, 23709062, 19072655, 25634348, 25661819, 24486237
     25388896, 22104866, 22070853, 25647325, 22504793, 26418088, 25287072
     26633355, 26909100, 23080557, 25120284, 26245237, 23126545, 24616637
     26256131, 23019710, 24308349, 22700845, 27169796, 25975723, 26797591
     26080410, 24923338, 27213224, 27044297, 25813931, 22495673, 24802934
     26263328, 25653109, 26840654, 25914276, 25492379, 26822620, 26556014
     26198757, 25722055, 25516250, 21479706, 27124624, 26029780, 25760195
     25790353, 22843979, 25616268, 26095327, 26775602, 20866970, 25353983
     26981902, 25103996, 26740700, 26243698, 26259265, 25555252, 26875822
     26452606, 26263721, 25639019, 25635149, 27060167, 24437162, 24589081
     26546070, 25775213, 25865785, 24609592, 25943271, 26513709, 27274536
     27508985, 27548131, 27611612, 26712331, 27338912, 26090767, 24473736
     26444601, 27501373, 16942578, 21320338, 26907327, 26353617, 27329612
     27394703, 25832935, 24737581, 25871753, 26091786, 24923080, 25680221
     27207110, 24844549, 25784002, 25982666, 26412540, 26201113, 26729611
     25226665, 26475419, 24757934, 25654459, 25614866, 27333106, 26637824
     26498354, 20976443, 26138085, 27229389, 24793511, 26714910, 25058080
     24719799, 23184263, 26802503, 24800423, 25540738, 27367194, 27292213
     27138325, 27441326, 27502420


OPatch succeeded.
[oracle@zabbix OPatch]$ opatch rollback -id 27475613
-bash: opatch: command not found
[oracle@zabbix OPatch]$ ./opatch rollback -id 27475613
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2018, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Oracle Home       : /u01/app/oracle/product/
Central Inventory : /u01/app/oraInventory
   from           : /u01/app/oracle/product/
OPatch version    :
OUI version       :
Log file location : /u01/app/oracle/product/

Patches will be rolled back in the following order:
The following patch(es) will be rolled back: 27475613

Please shutdown Oracle instances running out of this ORACLE_HOME on the local system.
(Oracle Home = '/u01/app/oracle/product/')

Is the local system ready for patching? [y|n]
User Responded with: Y

Rolling back patch 27475613...

RollbackSession rolling back interim patch '27475613' from OH '/u01/app/oracle/product/'

Patching component oracle.javavm.server,

Patching component oracle.javavm.server.core,

Patching component oracle.rdbms.dbscripts,

Patching component oracle.rdbms,
RollbackSession removing interim patch '27475613' from inventory
Log file location: /u01/app/oracle/product/

OPatch succeeded.
[oracle@zabbix OPatch]$

[oracle@zabbix OPatch]$ ./opatch lsinventory
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2018, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

Oracle Home       : /u01/app/oracle/product/
Central Inventory : /u01/app/oraInventory
   from           : /u01/app/oracle/product/
OPatch version    :
OUI version       :
Log file location : /u01/app/oracle/product/

Lsinventory Output file location : /u01/app/oracle/product/

Local Machine Information::
Hostname: zabbix.com
ARU platform id: 226
ARU platform description:: Linux x86-64

Installed Top-level Products (1):

Oracle Database 12c                                        
There are 1 products installed in this Oracle Home.

Interim patches (2) :

Patch  27475613     : applied on Tue May 29 21:00:07 IST 2018
Unique Patch ID:  22028200
Patch description:  "OJVM RELEASE UPDATE: (27475613)"
   Created on 13 Mar 2018, 01:35:52 hrs PST8PDT
   Bugs fixed:
     25811105, 25890046, 26023042, 26570134, 27000702, 27461740

Patch  27674384     : applied on Tue May 29 20:44:04 IST 2018
Unique Patch ID:  22098633
Patch description:  "Database Apr 2018 Release Update : (27674384)"
   Created on 9 Apr 2018, 00:43:55 hrs PST8PDT
   Bugs fixed:
     23026585, 24336249, 24929210, 24942749, 25036474, 25110233, 25410877
     25417050, 25427662, 25459958, 25547901, 25569149, 25600342, 25600421
     25606091, 25655390, 25662088, 24385983, 24923215, 25099758, 25429959
     25662101, 25728085, 25823754, 22594071, 23665623, 23749454, 24326846
     24334708, 24560906, 24573817, 24578797, 24609996, 24624166, 24668398
     24674955, 24744686, 24811725, 24827228, 24831514, 24908321, 24976007
     25184555, 25210499, 25211628, 25223839, 25262869, 25316758, 25337332
     25455795, 25457409, 25539063, 25546608, 25612095, 25643931, 25410017
     22729345, 24485174, 24509056, 24714096, 25329664, 25410180, 25607726
     25957038, 25973152, 26024732, 24376878, 24589590, 24676172, 23548817
     24796092, 24907917, 25044977, 25736747, 25766822, 25856821, 25051628
     24534401, 24835919, 25050160, 25395696, 25430120, 25616359, 25715167
     25967985, 26546754, 26546664, 26544823, 26575788, 26271001, 26198926
     26025681, 26078437, 25789579, 25034396, 24655717, 25124363, 23527363
     25530814, 21981529, 25062592, 25057811, 23179662, 25530080, 25528838
     25417056, 25100579, 25739065, 25700654, 25655966, 25631933, 25616645
     25616417, 25594901, 25825910, 25789041, 22568728, 21159907, 20736227
     19327292, 14690846, 25099497, 24938784, 25257085, 25237577, 25230945
     25425760, 25337640, 25263960, 22654475, 21186167, 23491861, 23300142
     23234232, 23151677, 22981722, 23733981, 24556967, 24485161, 24457597
     24737064, 24578718, 24792678, 20324049, 17533661, 17027695, 22645009
     22628825, 23521523, 23499160, 24289874, 24421668, 24332831, 24425998
     24555417, 24737403, 25121089, 25192729, 25164293, 25150925, 25579761
     25570929, 25980605, 25954022, 25797124, 26308650, 26261327, 26088836
     25874050, 25178179, 25176408, 22072543, 23735292, 21985256, 22950945
     23746128, 25175723, 25451531, 25575628, 25838361, 25932524, 26479173
     26526726, 26609942, 24717183, 26362821, 25397936, 25554787, 26523432
     26599395, 26331743, 26476244, 26388538, 25498930, 26421667, 26446098
     26108080, 25648731, 25087436, 24812047, 25382812, 25695903, 25797092
     22179537, 26111842, 19285025, 25558986, 25551676, 24642495, 25633101
     25852885, 25897615, 26486365, 26333141, 26537307, 26444887, 26396790
     26358670, 26244115, 25489607, 25947799, 26095405, 26492866, 25248384
     26430737, 26187943, 26426526, 22898198, 23581777, 25694206, 26088426
     26045732, 24693290, 26153977, 25654936, 25870579, 20003668, 24912588
     25638456, 25320555, 25240590, 23599216, 25182817, 24735430, 25872127
     25192044, 20620169, 26324769, 24960044, 24677696, 25995938, 23125560
     23061453, 25166187, 25722608, 25662524, 25598473, 25774077, 19614243
     24664211, 25145215, 25123585, 24968162, 25241625, 25472112, 25463844
     25410802, 25383204, 22446455, 23481673, 23055900, 26249718, 25967544
     22087683, 23730961, 24376875, 24368004, 25162645, 25029022, 25099339
     25093872, 25433696, 25392535, 25357142, 25328518, 25553616, 25970731
     25953857, 26169345, 26169341, 26091640, 26032573, 22503297, 24341675
     24850622, 25186079, 25602488, 25861398, 25980770, 26096382, 26765212
     23035249, 24797119, 25405813, 24443539, 25098160, 25384462, 24593740
     25241448, 26751171, 26751106, 26545688, 26367012, 25871639, 25597525
     25546580, 25063971, 24654629, 23105538, 24401351, 25764020, 25259611
     25244807, 25265499, 26650226, 26330994, 26658759, 26351334, 22347493
     25140197, 26659182, 25990907, 25660847, 25411036, 24845157, 25888073
     20591151, 25954054, 25822410, 25788879, 25335790, 25199585, 24717859
     22564336, 24461826, 24337882, 24010030, 22826067, 26680105, 26626879
     26641610, 26189861, 25826740, 25335249, 25335360, 25100063, 21216226
     26327624, 25977302, 26597140, 26493289, 26435073, 25895224, 25634317
     24617969, 19211433, 25911724, 22599050, 24843188, 24486059, 24922704
     18594510, 19649997, 24680959, 25107662, 25964954, 23645516, 26237431
     25754606, 23572982, 25045228, 25462714, 25722720, 24848746, 24760407
     25203656, 25444961, 21520266, 23600861, 24600330, 24415926, 24423416
     17947871, 23066146, 24326444, 24346821, 24623975, 24699619, 24801152
     24786669, 24710696, 25065563, 25179774, 25129925, 25417958, 26237773
     27087426, 27009164, 26969321, 26366517, 26898563, 26784509, 26522439
     23271203, 22364044, 25307368, 26758193, 26542135, 15931756, 26548363
     25710420, 26434999, 25207410, 26223039, 25524955, 25579458, 25489367
     25313411, 24554533, 20756305, 25478885, 25858672, 26036748, 24966788
     24766309, 21178363, 23715460, 23197730, 23602213, 25072986, 25729507
     25890056, 25807997, 25206864, 23065002, 24345420, 24303148, 22864303
     24435982, 24848923, 24978100, 24953434, 25210268, 25209912, 25981498
     25919622, 25871177, 26569225, 26744595, 26908788, 25313154, 27135993
     26635897, 26939314, 26983259, 26820076, 25785441, 27142373, 26729494
     20532077, 23249829, 27073314, 26629381, 27079140, 26911000, 26944190
     25305405, 23741944, 25348956, 25768681, 26794786, 25646373, 24570598
     26399626, 25674386, 25225795, 25224242, 25536819, 25296876, 26375250
     25963024, 26615690, 26442308, 25476149, 26170715, 25685152, 24307571
     19526548, 24468470, 24744383, 25171084, 24713381, 24827654, 24343905
     21433452, 24373756, 24923790, 24911709, 26019148, 24940060, 24595699
     25691904, 25687460, 25672640, 25874678, 25785331, 22379010, 18521691
     8480838, 25159176, 25227381, 25561296, 25440818, 23588722, 24470606
     24692973, 24674197, 20118035, 24563422, 24759556, 25201454, 27165231
     27052607, 22007324, 26037215, 25830492, 25086233, 26584641, 21147908
     26110632, 24403922, 25386748, 24350620, 27305039, 22503283, 22581771
     25945130, 26967713, 22367053, 26478970, 19647894, 26149904, 25437699
     18774543, 26849779, 26121990, 26374791, 24374976, 25202355, 26608137
     27034890, 22970869, 25489342, 25717371, 16727454, 27117822, 25557886
     20087519, 25904273, 26637273, 25078611, 26006257, 25803545, 26038086
     24689376, 25941836, 23709062, 19072655, 25634348, 25661819, 24486237
     25388896, 22104866, 22070853, 25647325, 22504793, 26418088, 25287072
     26633355, 26909100, 23080557, 25120284, 26245237, 23126545, 24616637
     26256131, 23019710, 24308349, 22700845, 27169796, 25975723, 26797591
     26080410, 24923338, 27213224, 27044297, 25813931, 22495673, 24802934
     26263328, 25653109, 26840654, 25914276, 25492379, 26822620, 26556014
     26198757, 25722055, 25516250, 21479706, 27124624, 26029780, 25760195
     25790353, 22843979, 25616268, 26095327, 26775602, 20866970, 25353983
     26981902, 25103996, 26740700, 26243698, 26259265, 25555252, 26875822
     26452606, 26263721, 25639019, 25635149, 27060167, 24437162, 24589081
     26546070, 25775213, 25865785, 24609592, 25943271, 26513709, 27274536
     27508985, 27548131, 27611612, 26712331, 27338912, 26090767, 24473736
     26444601, 27501373, 16942578, 21320338, 26907327, 26353617, 27329612
     27394703, 25832935, 24737581, 25871753, 26091786, 24923080, 25680221
     27207110, 24844549, 25784002, 25982666, 26412540, 26201113, 26729611
     25226665, 26475419, 24757934, 25654459, 25614866, 27333106, 26637824
     26498354, 20976443, 26138085, 27229389, 24793511, 26714910, 25058080
     24719799, 23184263, 26802503, 24800423, 25540738, 27367194, 27292213
     27138325, 27441326, 27502420


OPatch succeeded.
[oracle@zabbix OPatch]$ ll
total 188
drwxr-s--- 6 oracle oinstall  4096 Apr 16 14:28 auto
drwxr-s--- 2 oracle oinstall  4096 Apr 16 14:17 config
-rwxr-x--- 1 oracle oinstall   589 Apr 16 14:17 datapatch
-rwxr-x--- 1 oracle oinstall   627 Apr 16 14:17 datapatch.bat
drwxr-s--- 2 oracle oinstall  4096 Apr 16 14:28 docs
-rwxr-x--- 1 oracle oinstall 23518 Apr 16 14:17 emdpatch.pl
drwxr-s--- 2 oracle oinstall  4096 Apr 16 14:17 jlib
drwxr-s--- 5 oracle oinstall  4096 Apr 16 13:59 jre
drwxr-s--- 9 oracle oinstall  4096 Apr 16 14:28 modules
drwxr-s--- 5 oracle oinstall  4096 Apr 16 14:17 ocm
-rwxr-x--- 1 oracle oinstall 46949 Apr 16 14:17 opatch
-rwxr-x--- 1 oracle oinstall  1442 Apr 16 14:28 opatchauto
-rwxr-x--- 1 oracle oinstall   393 Apr 16 14:28 opatchauto.cmd
-rwxr-x--- 1 oracle oinstall 15596 Apr 16 14:17 opatch.bat
-rwxr-x--- 1 oracle oinstall  4290 Apr 16 14:17 opatch_env.sh
-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall  2541 Apr 16 14:17 opatch.pl
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-rwxr-x--- 1 oracle oinstall  3159 Apr 16 14:17 operr
-rwxr-x--- 1 oracle oinstall  4218 Apr 16 14:17 operr.bat
-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall  3177 Apr 16 14:17 operr_readme.txt
drwxr-s--- 2 oracle oinstall  4096 Apr 16 14:28 oplan
drwxr-s--- 3 oracle oinstall  4096 Apr 16 14:28 oracle_common
drwxr-s--- 3 oracle oinstall  4096 Apr 16 14:28 plugins
-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall  2980 Apr 16 14:17 README.txt
drwxr-s--- 2 oracle oinstall  4096 Apr 16 14:17 scripts
-rw-r----- 1 oracle oinstall    27 Apr 16 14:17 version.txt
[oracle@zabbix OPatch]$ ./opatch lsinventory
Oracle Interim Patch Installer version
Copyright (c) 2018, Oracle Corporation.  All rights reserved.

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Central Inventory : /u01/app/oraInventory
   from           : /u01/app/oracle/product/
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Lsinventory Output file location : /u01/app/oracle/product/

Local Machine Information::
Hostname: zabbix.com
ARU platform id: 226
ARU platform description:: Linux x86-64

Installed Top-level Products (1):

Oracle Database 12c                                        
There are 1 products installed in this Oracle Home.

Interim patches (1) :

Patch  27674384     : applied on Tue May 29 20:44:04 IST 2018
Unique Patch ID:  22098633
Patch description:  "Database Apr 2018 Release Update : (27674384)"
   Created on 9 Apr 2018, 00:43:55 hrs PST8PDT
   Bugs fixed:
     23026585, 24336249, 24929210, 24942749, 25036474, 25110233, 25410877
     25417050, 25427662, 25459958, 25547901, 25569149, 25600342, 25600421
     25606091, 25655390, 25662088, 24385983, 24923215, 25099758, 25429959
     25662101, 25728085, 25823754, 22594071, 23665623, 23749454, 24326846
     24334708, 24560906, 24573817, 24578797, 24609996, 24624166, 24668398
     24674955, 24744686, 24811725, 24827228, 24831514, 24908321, 24976007
     25184555, 25210499, 25211628, 25223839, 25262869, 25316758, 25337332
     25455795, 25457409, 25539063, 25546608, 25612095, 25643931, 25410017
     22729345, 24485174, 24509056, 24714096, 25329664, 25410180, 25607726
     25957038, 25973152, 26024732, 24376878, 24589590, 24676172, 23548817
     24796092, 24907917, 25044977, 25736747, 25766822, 25856821, 25051628
     24534401, 24835919, 25050160, 25395696, 25430120, 25616359, 25715167
     25967985, 26546754, 26546664, 26544823, 26575788, 26271001, 26198926
     26025681, 26078437, 25789579, 25034396, 24655717, 25124363, 23527363
     25530814, 21981529, 25062592, 25057811, 23179662, 25530080, 25528838
     25417056, 25100579, 25739065, 25700654, 25655966, 25631933, 25616645
     25616417, 25594901, 25825910, 25789041, 22568728, 21159907, 20736227
     19327292, 14690846, 25099497, 24938784, 25257085, 25237577, 25230945
     25425760, 25337640, 25263960, 22654475, 21186167, 23491861, 23300142
     23234232, 23151677, 22981722, 23733981, 24556967, 24485161, 24457597
     24737064, 24578718, 24792678, 20324049, 17533661, 17027695, 22645009
     22628825, 23521523, 23499160, 24289874, 24421668, 24332831, 24425998
     24555417, 24737403, 25121089, 25192729, 25164293, 25150925, 25579761
     25570929, 25980605, 25954022, 25797124, 26308650, 26261327, 26088836
     25874050, 25178179, 25176408, 22072543, 23735292, 21985256, 22950945
     23746128, 25175723, 25451531, 25575628, 25838361, 25932524, 26479173
     26526726, 26609942, 24717183, 26362821, 25397936, 25554787, 26523432
     26599395, 26331743, 26476244, 26388538, 25498930, 26421667, 26446098
     26108080, 25648731, 25087436, 24812047, 25382812, 25695903, 25797092
     22179537, 26111842, 19285025, 25558986, 25551676, 24642495, 25633101
     25852885, 25897615, 26486365, 26333141, 26537307, 26444887, 26396790
     26358670, 26244115, 25489607, 25947799, 26095405, 26492866, 25248384
     26430737, 26187943, 26426526, 22898198, 23581777, 25694206, 26088426
     26045732, 24693290, 26153977, 25654936, 25870579, 20003668, 24912588
     25638456, 25320555, 25240590, 23599216, 25182817, 24735430, 25872127
     25192044, 20620169, 26324769, 24960044, 24677696, 25995938, 23125560
     23061453, 25166187, 25722608, 25662524, 25598473, 25774077, 19614243
     24664211, 25145215, 25123585, 24968162, 25241625, 25472112, 25463844
     25410802, 25383204, 22446455, 23481673, 23055900, 26249718, 25967544
     22087683, 23730961, 24376875, 24368004, 25162645, 25029022, 25099339
     25093872, 25433696, 25392535, 25357142, 25328518, 25553616, 25970731
     25953857, 26169345, 26169341, 26091640, 26032573, 22503297, 24341675
     24850622, 25186079, 25602488, 25861398, 25980770, 26096382, 26765212
     23035249, 24797119, 25405813, 24443539, 25098160, 25384462, 24593740
     25241448, 26751171, 26751106, 26545688, 26367012, 25871639, 25597525
     25546580, 25063971, 24654629, 23105538, 24401351, 25764020, 25259611
     25244807, 25265499, 26650226, 26330994, 26658759, 26351334, 22347493
     25140197, 26659182, 25990907, 25660847, 25411036, 24845157, 25888073
     20591151, 25954054, 25822410, 25788879, 25335790, 25199585, 24717859
     22564336, 24461826, 24337882, 24010030, 22826067, 26680105, 26626879
     26641610, 26189861, 25826740, 25335249, 25335360, 25100063, 21216226
     26327624, 25977302, 26597140, 26493289, 26435073, 25895224, 25634317
     24617969, 19211433, 25911724, 22599050, 24843188, 24486059, 24922704
     18594510, 19649997, 24680959, 25107662, 25964954, 23645516, 26237431
     25754606, 23572982, 25045228, 25462714, 25722720, 24848746, 24760407
     25203656, 25444961, 21520266, 23600861, 24600330, 24415926, 24423416
     17947871, 23066146, 24326444, 24346821, 24623975, 24699619, 24801152
     24786669, 24710696, 25065563, 25179774, 25129925, 25417958, 26237773
     27087426, 27009164, 26969321, 26366517, 26898563, 26784509, 26522439
     23271203, 22364044, 25307368, 26758193, 26542135, 15931756, 26548363
     25710420, 26434999, 25207410, 26223039, 25524955, 25579458, 25489367
     25313411, 24554533, 20756305, 25478885, 25858672, 26036748, 24966788
     24766309, 21178363, 23715460, 23197730, 23602213, 25072986, 25729507
     25890056, 25807997, 25206864, 23065002, 24345420, 24303148, 22864303
     24435982, 24848923, 24978100, 24953434, 25210268, 25209912, 25981498
     25919622, 25871177, 26569225, 26744595, 26908788, 25313154, 27135993
     26635897, 26939314, 26983259, 26820076, 25785441, 27142373, 26729494
     20532077, 23249829, 27073314, 26629381, 27079140, 26911000, 26944190
     25305405, 23741944, 25348956, 25768681, 26794786, 25646373, 24570598
     26399626, 25674386, 25225795, 25224242, 25536819, 25296876, 26375250
     25963024, 26615690, 26442308, 25476149, 26170715, 25685152, 24307571
     19526548, 24468470, 24744383, 25171084, 24713381, 24827654, 24343905
     21433452, 24373756, 24923790, 24911709, 26019148, 24940060, 24595699
     25691904, 25687460, 25672640, 25874678, 25785331, 22379010, 18521691
     8480838, 25159176, 25227381, 25561296, 25440818, 23588722, 24470606
     24692973, 24674197, 20118035, 24563422, 24759556, 25201454, 27165231
     27052607, 22007324, 26037215, 25830492, 25086233, 26584641, 21147908
     26110632, 24403922, 25386748, 24350620, 27305039, 22503283, 22581771
     25945130, 26967713, 22367053, 26478970, 19647894, 26149904, 25437699
     18774543, 26849779, 26121990, 26374791, 24374976, 25202355, 26608137
     27034890, 22970869, 25489342, 25717371, 16727454, 27117822, 25557886
     20087519, 25904273, 26637273, 25078611, 26006257, 25803545, 26038086
     24689376, 25941836, 23709062, 19072655, 25634348, 25661819, 24486237
     25388896, 22104866, 22070853, 25647325, 22504793, 26418088, 25287072
     26633355, 26909100, 23080557, 25120284, 26245237, 23126545, 24616637
     26256131, 23019710, 24308349, 22700845, 27169796, 25975723, 26797591
     26080410, 24923338, 27213224, 27044297, 25813931, 22495673, 24802934
     26263328, 25653109, 26840654, 25914276, 25492379, 26822620, 26556014
     26198757, 25722055, 25516250, 21479706, 27124624, 26029780, 25760195
     25790353, 22843979, 25616268, 26095327, 26775602, 20866970, 25353983
     26981902, 25103996, 26740700, 26243698, 26259265, 25555252, 26875822
     26452606, 26263721, 25639019, 25635149, 27060167, 24437162, 24589081
     26546070, 25775213, 25865785, 24609592, 25943271, 26513709, 27274536
     27508985, 27548131, 27611612, 26712331, 27338912, 26090767, 24473736
     26444601, 27501373, 16942578, 21320338, 26907327, 26353617, 27329612
     27394703, 25832935, 24737581, 25871753, 26091786, 24923080, 25680221
     27207110, 24844549, 25784002, 25982666, 26412540, 26201113, 26729611
     25226665, 26475419, 24757934, 25654459, 25614866, 27333106, 26637824
     26498354, 20976443, 26138085, 27229389, 24793511, 26714910, 25058080
     24719799, 23184263, 26802503, 24800423, 25540738, 27367194, 27292213
     27138325, 27441326, 27502420


OPatch succeeded.
[oracle@zabbix OPatch]$

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