Monday, 16 December 2019

Creation of Physical Standby 12c

Questions to Ask before Creation of Standby
Ques1- OS version and DB version should be same
Ques2-Mount Points are same or Difference
Ques3-Same User and Groups  should be there as Primary
Oues4-Permissions should be same as Primary
Ques5-Physical or Logical 
Ques6-Purpose of Making standby
Ques7-Which Mode(maximum Performance, maximum protection, maximum availability)
Ques8-Standard or Enterprise Edition(In standard archive should be send Manually)
Ques9-time gap between primary and standby.


Primary Database                                                       Standby Database
Name-ORCL                                                               Name-ORCLDR

step-I > Enable Forced Logging
This option ensure that  even in the event that a 'nologging' operation is done, force logging
takes precedence and all operations are logged into the redo logs.
step-2 > Create a Password File
A password file must be created on the Primary and copied over to the Standby site. The sys password
must be identical on both sites.
[oracle@localhost u01]$ orapwd file=$ORACLE_HOME/dbs/orapworcl password=sys123 force=y
To check whether password file is there or not, if not there then create it as above.
SQL> select * from v$pwfile_users;
Check the size of online redo logs 
SQL> select group#, bytes/1024/1024 mb_size from v$log;
step-3 > Configure a Standby Redo Log
Standby Redo log is added to enable Data Guard Maximum Availability and Maximum  
protection modes. It is important to configure the Standby Redo Logs (SRL)
with the same size as the online redo logs.
(maximum number of logfiles for each thread + 1) * maximum number of threads
ALTER DATABASE ADD STANDBY LOGFILE group 4 ('/u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/redo04.log') size 50M;
ALTER DATABASE ADD STANDBY LOGFILE group 5 ('/u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/redo05.log') size 50M;
ALTER DATABASE ADD STANDBY LOGFILE group 6 ('/u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcl/redo06.log') size 50M;
Set Primary Database Initialization Parameters
Data Guard must use spfile, in order to configure it we create and configure the standby parameters 
on a regular pfile, and once it is ready we convert it to an spfile.
SQL> create pfile='?/dbs/pfileorcl.ora' from spfile;
Step-4 > Edit the pfile to add the standby parameters, here shown:
Once the new parameter file is ready we create spfile from pfile
SQL> shutdown immediate;
SQL> startup nomount pfile='?/dbs/pfileorcl.ora';
SQL> create spfile from pfile='/?/dbs/pfileorcl.ora';
SQL> shutdown immediate;
SQL> startup;
Send pfile to standby server and rename it to initorcldr.ora and change following parameter

Step-5 > Copying the pfile created in primary database and renames it to 
initorcldr.ora, and changes these parameters:
A password file must be created on the Primary and copied over to the Standby site. The sys 
password must be identical on both sites. Copy orapworcl to $ORACLE_HOME/dbs and 
rename file to orapworcldr

Step-6>Configure listeners for the primary
On Primary system: use Oracle Net Manager to configure a listener for orcl database. Then 
restart the listener.
$lsnrctl stop 
$lsnrctl start 
On Primary system: use Oracle Net Manager to create network service names for orcl and orcldr. 
Check tnsping to both services:
$tnsping orcl
$tnsping orcldr

Configure listeners for the standby
On Standby server: use Net Manager to configure a listener for orcldr database. Then 
restart the listener.
$lsnrctl stop 
$lsnrctl start 
On Standby system: use Oracle Net Manager to create network service names for orcl and orcldr.
Check tnsping to both services:
$tnsping orcl
$tnsping orcldr

Step-7> Backup database 

NOTE-- Here We Make a backup folder in /u01
SQL> host rman target /
RMAN> configure channel device type disk format '/u01/backup/%U';
RMAN > backup full database format '/u01/backup/ %d_%U.bckp' plus archivelog
 format '/u01/backup/%d_%U.bckp';
Backup controlfile and Archive log for Standby
RMAN> backup current controlfile for standby;
RMAN> backup archivelog all;
RMAN> exit

Send Backup to Orcldr

[oracle@localhost backup]$ scp * oracle@
 scp * oracle@

Step-8 > Create mount points for Oracle or Client Provide it
Mount point should be created on standby server , this includes the location for controlfiles
, redo logs, datafiles, archive log destination and alert logs
mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/oradata/orcldr/
 mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/flash_recovery_area/
mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/admin/orcldr/adump
 mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/admin/orcldr/bdump
 mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/admin/orcldr/cdump
 mkdir -p /u01/app/oracle/admin/orcldr/udump

Use RMAN to restore backup and setup standby
Connect to RMAN and execute the following command to create standby database, 
this should be performed on standby server after copying backup and setting tnsnames.
$ export ORACLE_SID=orcldr
[oracle@localhost oradata]$ sqlplus '/ as sysdba'
SQL> startup nomount pfile='?/dbs/initorcldr.ora';
SQL> create spfile from pfile='/?/dbs/initorcldr.ora';
SQL> host rman target=sys/sys@orcl auxiliary /
$ rman target sys/sys@orcl auxiliary /
Step-9 > Duplicate command for creating standby
RMAN> duplicate target database for standby nofilenamecheck;
Step-10 > On same standby server START THE REDO APPLY
SQL> alter database recover managed standby database disconnect from session;

Check the Sequences are archived and applied on both sides..

SQL> select sequence#,applied from v$archived_log order by sequence#;
SQL> select sequence#,applied from v$archived_log order by sequence#;
If you ever need to stop log apply services
SQL> alter database recover managed standby database cancel;
If you want the redo data to be applied as it is received without waiting for the current standby 
 standby redo log file to be archived, enable the real-time apply.
SQL> alter database recover managed standby database using current logfile disconnect;

Sunday, 15 December 2019

Deutch - Das Alphabet


    A aa/ah Anton
    B bay Bertha
    C tsay Caesar
    D day Dora
    E ay/A Emil
    F eff Friedrich
    G gey Gustav
    H ha Heinrich
    I ee/E Ida
    J yot Julia
    K Kah Kaufmann
    L ell Ludwig
    M emm Martha
    N enn Nordpol
    O oh Otto
    P pay/pey Peter
    Q Kuhkoo Qutting
    R err Rudolf
    S ess Siegfried
    T te Theodor
    U oo Ulrich
    V fow Victor
    W vey Wilhelm
    X iks/Icks xray
    Y eupsilon Eupsilon
    Z tset Zeitung
    (ä) aye ahnlich
    (ö) eoh ahnlich
    euh unung
    ß ss esstsett

Basic German Language and words